It has been full steam ahead for our refurbishment programme over the Easter break and we have now completed the outside canopied areas in Early Years, which look sensational! The Junior playground now has a new canopied seating area along with a new canopy at the entrance to our School Hall. The J2 conservatory has been refurbished with anti-solar cladding to the roof and a new ‘buddy’ bench is in place on the Astro area outside their classrooms. S4 classrooms were fitted with air-conditioning and new offices and stock rooms have been made possible upstairs in the Main School. Plans for our new Dance Studio and new Astro are still in the pipe-line – we should be starting these works during the summer break.
We are always open to new ideas for improvements to our facilities here. Should you have any suggestions for school improvements, please do not hesitate to have a chat with Mr Price or any member of staff.