Useful Information

Useful phone numbers
Early Years & Tiny Tots & Toddlers’ Club (020 8300 2112)
After School Club (020 8269 6898)
Mrs A Macdonald (Pastoral, uniform, fees) (020 8300 2112 ext. 204)
Admissions (020 8300 2112 ext. 208)

Please note the School Office is staffed from 8.30am each morning until 4pm.


Additional Information:


In the interest of health and of safety, please do not bring dogs onto school premises.


Children who are suffering from vomiting and/or diarrhoea will be excluded from school for 48 hours.

Children who have chicken pox will be excluded until the spots have crusted over. Headlice is a common complaint in young children, please let us know if your child has had headlice so we can advise other parents.

Parents of children suffering from other childhood ailments should consult Form Teachers/School Office for advice as to whether they should come to school.

If Senior children cannot for medical reasons participate in Games lessons they will need to be collected from school by 2.20pm as staff are unable to supervise them due to their teaching commitments.

Please would you remember that should your child be ill or absent, you should ring the School Office by 9.00am that day.


Please consult the school website ( for all up-to-date information (particularly during bad weather or emergency closures).

‘ParentMail’, email and text contact with our parents provides an efficient method of communication to you, whilst complementing our eco-friendly policies. Anyone not yet receiving ‘ParentMail’ please advise the School Office.


Following the terrible events at Grenfell Tower, the school wishes to assure parents that it has reviewed its’ fire safety precautions particularly relating to cladding of the school buildings. All materials used, conform to British Standards and, following our review, there was no need to take any remedial action.


Extensive parking is available in our upper and lower Rectory Lane car parks. Please be prompt with ‘pick ups’ and ‘drop offs’ to ease congestion at busy times like the start and end of the day. Please help us by following the signs relating to disabled parking bays and also to passing bays, which MUST be kept clear at all times to help the flow of traffic. Car speed remains an issue, so please, for the safety of everyone, try and maintain a maximum limit of 10 mph when using Upper and Lower Rectory Lane roadways. If at all possible car engines should be turned off when parked in the car park to prevent car fumes affecting the air quality. Parents – please keep a close eye on your children at all times while using the car park. Do not leave younger siblings unaccompanied in the car at any time when using the school carpark to collect older children. Please park with consideration on Knoll Road without obstructing private driveways. Your courtesy and co-operation are greatly appreciated. The car park at the front of the main school building is for staff and deliveries only.


We are pleased to inform you that we have installed a new ‘state of the art’ IT content filter, designed to address the issues relating to the acceptable use of the internet and the content delivered to both staff and pupils. These comprehensive firewalls will ensure all safeguarding concerns are met, to keep all of our children as safe as possible.


For the security of the children, School gates will be closed at 8.45am and will open again at 3.00pm.

Anyone arriving between those times will be required to use the main Knoll Road entrance/front door to the school.


All statutory school policies are available on our website Should you wish to see any school policies, either pastoral or academic, please contact the School Office.

Other information is available in our ’parents’ section of the website in the ‘downloads’ (menus, tool boxes etc). Please ring the school office for the password to access this part of the website.


Parents with more than one child attending Merton Court School are eligible for a fees reduction.  5% on a second child and 10% on a third.  Past pupil’s children are eligible for a 10% fee reduction.


Numbers are particularly buoyant so please register your child/ren as early as possible to be guaranteed a place. Please ask the Office for a Registration Form or call in to speak to Ms Cole. Please be aware that siblings are not automatically registered without a completed registration form.



 All children should wear correct full winter (Autumn & Spring Term) or Summer uniform (Summer Term and the first few weeks of the Autumn Term). All items of school uniform are available from our school outfitters ‘OZ’ Schoolwear, Petts Wood.

Please remember that in the mornings, all children should be wearing caps/hats or baseball caps – depending on their daily activities.  Ski hats should ONLY be worn to and from school in extreme cold weather, otherwise they are to be worn while the children are in school during breaktimes only.

Children are also reminded that they should leave school correctly dressed – which includes blazers and the correct headwear and footwear. Baseball caps may be worn to school when wearing tracksuits/PE kit.

Once again, parents and children are respectfully reminded that hair styles should be appropriate to school.  The excessive use of gel on hair, colouring of hair and cut designs in hair are not permitted in school. Any hairstyle that draws attention to itself should be avoided; as children may risk internal exclusion or being sent home to remedy it.

Hair bands and hair bows should be of a suitable size and be school colours only (red, yellow or grey/black) or school scrunchies.  Longer hair should not hinder a child’s vision and should be tied up / secured, for all School curriculum activities, including sport.

We strongly recommend that earrings are removed before all sports lessons. Studs may be worn in swimming lessons but at parents’ own discretion and responsibility. School will not be held accountable for injury, loss or damage.

We have a school coat that all children must wear, available from ‘OZ’ Schoolwear.

Whilst we endeavour to respect the individual tastes of S4 children relating to school bags we would ask S4 children to choose plain coloured bags, rucksacks and sports bags. All other children must have the correct school bags.

NB:  Swimming caps must be worn at all swimming lessons Seniors (red) and Juniors (blue).



We are very proud to have a 25 mtr. ‘Deck Level’ pool at our school. This facility, which opened in September 1999, has given so many children confidence and pleasure. Children swim for enjoyment and for competitions, achieve high standards 2018, for example our swimmers were National Winners of the English Schools’ Swimming Association Open Boys Mixed Stroke Relay and the Open Boys Freestyle Relay.  To this day the pool is still in very good condition and that is testament to the way it is cared for on a daily basis.

Our team, who look after all aspects of the daily running of the pool are trained in Pool Chemicals and Water Treatment.

The safety and quality of our pool water is taken very seriously and we ensure that our chemicals are maintained to the standards advised by The Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) who produce detailed guidance on swimming pool water quality and treatment.

We run our Chlorine levels at the nationally recognised 2.2 and our P.H. level is maintained at 7.6, these measurements are parts per million.   The pool water is checked twice daily.

We have a microbiological test every six weeks to check that the water is healthy and germ free.  We have service contracts on both the Heatstar machine and all our boilers. Our Balance Tanks are cleaned annually.

A service company assists as and when needed, thereby ensuring that very few swimming days are ever lost.

Cleanliness in and around the pool is paramount to clean water. All staff wear pool shoes and no-one ever enters the pool area in outdoor shoes.

All children enter showers when leaving the changing room and again, shower when leaving the pool.

A comment from one Pool inspector was, “You have the cleanest water that I have ever seen in the South East” – a comment we are extremely proud of. We strive to maintain very high standards, to ensure safety for anyone who swims.

Technical Data

Maximum Bathing Load: 55 Bathers

Operational Bathing Load: 200 Bathers

Total Water Volume: 216m³

Turn over: 3.5 hours

Flow Rate: 68m³/hour

Filtration Velocity: 22m³/hr/m²

Backwash Velocity: 44m³/hr/m²

Filter size: 2 x 1.4mm dia

Pumps: 2 x 3 HP