
Date: 24th September 2024

Opposition: Colfe’s

Year Group: S1, S2

Venue: Colfe’s

Squad: Lula, Elsie, Alisha, Ella, Harrison, Alex, Nathan, Aryan, Luna, Esme, Beatrix, Adele, Samar, Oliver Ch

Results: MC 2nd

Player(s) of the match: Luna, Adele, Samar, Oliver

A first gala for many of the children. All swam with determination and encouraged each other throughout. Well done everyone!


Date: 7th March 2023

Opposition: Colfes

Year Group: S3 and S4

Venue: Colfes


S3- James, Callum, Amrit, Savva, Shaylan, Lucas, Luca, Mikhail, Jessie, Emily, Ella, Ava, Isabella, Annie, Eleanor, Kayla.

S4- Isaac, Danny, Louie P, Max, Eddie, Harry, Ava, Latika, Olivia, Yunshu, Gretchen, Layla, Ayla


1st Colfe’s

Lane 3

99 pts
2nd Merton Court

Lane 4

89 pts
3rd Colfe’s

Lane 5

58 pts
4th Merton Court

Lane 2

44 pts

Captain (s): Ava, Louie P

Player(s) of the match: Louie P, Max, Isaac, Olivia, Latika.

Lots of Personal Best times achieved and a great afternoon of teamwork. Well done everyone!


Date: Tuesday 3rd December 2019

Opposition: Colfe’s, Babington House, Bromley High, Dulwich College and St. Christopher’s

Year Group: S2, S3, S4

Venue: Colfe’s

Squad: Alisa, Emily, Fleur. Zara, Elijah, Ethan, Harvey, Isaac, Bella-Poppy, Emma, Eva, Mikun, Joshua, George, Lenny, Leonard, Darcie, Florence, Miley, Sophia, Artie, Daniel, Oliver D, Yuv.


Boys pts Girls pts
1st Dulwich College 118 Bromley High 102
2nd Merton Court 80 St. Christopher’s 89
3rd Colfe’s 57 Merton Court 62
4th St. Christopher’s 53 Babington House 53
5th Babington House 51 Colfe’s 47


Overall   pts
=1st Merton Court/St. Christopher’s 142
=3rd Colfe’s/Babington House 104

Player(s) of the match: Fleur, George, Darcie



Date: 7th November 2019

Opposition: Colfe’s, Babington House, Bromley High, Blackheath High

Year Group: S3, S4

Venue: Merton Court


S3-Oscar, George, Leonard, Josh C-W, Summer, Emma, Eva, Mikun, Ruby, Lilly, Aoife.

S4- Artie, Oliver D, Daniel, Yuv, Darcie, Dolly, Florence, Sophia, Amy, Isabelle, Lilac, Miley


Girls Points School
1st 21 Bromley High
2nd 27 Merton Court X
3rd 40 Babington House
4th 41 Colfe’s
5th 51 Merton Court Y
6th 69 Blackheath High


Boys Points School
1st 12 Merton Court
2nd 29 Colfe’s
3rd 31 Babington House


Overall Points School
1st 39 Meron Court
2nd 70 Colfe’s
3rd 71 Babington House

Player(s) of the match: Eva, Emma, Artie.



Date: 24th September 2019

Opposition: Colfe’s, Blackheath High, Alleyn’s, Bromley High, Forest School, Dulwich College.

Year Group: S2,S3,S4

Venue: Colfe’s


S2-Isaac, Tommaso, Luke, Elijah, Phoebe, Daisy, Nini, Lilia.

S3-Josh, Tom, Alexandros, Oscar, Darcey, Zahra, Daphne, Emma.

S4-James. Leo, Tom, Oliver W, Ella, Evie, Darcie, Alicia.


Girls’ Result
1st Colfe’s 84
2nd Forest School 73
3rd Bromley High 65
4th Merton Court 62
5th Alleyn’s 57
6th Blackheath High 35


Boys’ Result
1st Dulwich Cillege 96
2nd Merton Court 86
3rd Forest School 62
4th Alleyn’s 57
5th Colfe’s 56


Overall Result
1st Merton Court 148
2nd Colfe’s 140
3rd Forest School 135
4th Alleyn’s 114

Player(s) of the match: James (School Record 25m BF), Alexandros, Darcey, Daphne

Captain (s): Oliver W, Ella