
The termly fees, as from January 2025, are set out below.

Early Years – 5 mornings (age 3 – 4 years)


Early Years – full time (age 3 – 4 years)


Junior Preparatory (Reception – Year 2)



incl. VAT

Senior Preparatory (Year 3 – Year 6)



incl. VAT

PTA Subscription



All fees include catering costs of £395 which are exempt from VAT


All fees are due on, or before, the first day of term and should be paid at the beginning of each of the three terms.   There will be a late payment charge of £100.00 for accounts not paid during the first week of term.  The school reserves the right to charge interest on overdue accounts as per our terms and conditions.


Fees are inclusive of tuition, basic stationery, materials, text books, library books and swimming. Catering is not subject to VAT.  School lunches are part of our School ethos and as such are compulsory, unless a doctor’s letter advising of medical dietary requirements as received.


Parents with more than one child attending Merton Court School are eligible for a fee reduction,  5% per term on a second child and 10% on a third child.  Past pupil’s children are eligible for a fee reduction.  If, for any reason, a child is absent from school, no refund can be made on school fees.  The charge for an individual afternoon session is £75.  Fees are reviewed annually, in January.


Acceptance of a place for a child implies that a parent agrees to give a term’s notice, in writing of a child leaving the school and failing such notice, that the parent will be responsible for the payment of a term’s fees.  Parents who are in default of any payment due on a pupil’s account may be requested to withdraw that pupil from the school until the overdue payment is received by Merton Court.