At Merton Court we incorporate an approach to the development of the whole child. SEND provision ensures that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum in a nurturing environment. We believe all pupils should receive high quality, inclusive teaching, with differentiation and strategies to support SEND pupils’ learning in class. We recognise that all children have individual learning needs and ensure that personalised learning is at the heart of our teaching. We aim to identify children’s needs as early as possible in order to best support the individual, working closely with external professionals. Progress is evaluated and reviewed regularly.
Children recognised with SEND are provided high quality first teaching, incorporating multi-sensory teaching techniques, visual resources (i.e. visual timetables, now/next boards), pre-teaching (i.e. vocabulary), frequent rest breaks, immersive reader, talking tins etc. as necessary. Teachers work closely with the SENDCo and SEND Consultant to ensure all children with SEND are being well supported and are making progress. Universal support is provided by teachers for all pupils, however whereby children may need additional targeted support, small group work and other provision is provided, including sensory circuits. Children with SEND receive a School Support Plan (SSP) using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle to review progress and set recommendations for teachers and parents.
The impact of SEND support at Merton Court can be seen through assessment results, the work produced in children’s books, comments from parents and carers and via SEND pupil voice information (i.e. One Page Profiles). Many children with SEND decide to partake in the 11+ examinations and go on to Grammar or Independent secondary schools.
Please refer to our full Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Admissions Policies for more information about our provision for children with additional or special educational needs and/or disabilities.