Year 5
The year begins with a three day residential trip to France where the children visit some World War 1 cemeteries as well as Orchard Dump in Arleux. They also visit the grave of Marcel Simon, an ex-pupil of Merton Court. They have the opportunity to visit the local school in Arleux, where the school has very close links. This gives the children an insight into WW1 and WW2 and thus prepares them to lead the School’s annual Remembrance Service in November.
Secondary transfer examinations continue to be a major focus for this year and children complete homework in English and Maths every night and parents are invited to attend Parents’ Evenings in the Spring and Summer Terms where they are given a full set of test results along with individual targets for their child.
Children are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities in school and to show an increasing sense of responsibility as they approach Year 6.
Remote Learning due to Covid-19
Our revised Remote Learning Policy may be found in the ‘Policies’ section of our website.
We have carefully considered how to engage children in enjoyable learning, during any ’ Lockdown’.
We aim to ensure all children make the progress they would make while in school ; and to help parents support their children whilst they master hybrid or remote learning.
If a year group ‘bubble’ is required to go home or if we are required by Government to comply with a full lockdown, we provide a mixture of daily (3-5 hours) live and recorded , form teacher and specialist subject, online sessions.
Along with this , we supervise one to one reading and support individuals and groups, with oral and written work, using live communication with children (and where required, their parents).
Textbooks, printed materials and exercise books are sent home regularly, in order to further support this online learning.
Remote Learning due to Covid-19
Our revised Remote Learning Policy may be found in the ‘Policies’ section of our website.
We have carefully considered how to engage children in enjoyable learning, during any ’ Lockdown’.
We aim to ensure all children make the progress they would make while in school ; and to help parents support their children whilst they master hybrid or remote learning.
If a year group ‘bubble’ is required to go home or if we are required by Government to comply with a full lockdown, we provide a mixture of daily (3-5 hours) live and recorded , form teacher and specialist subject, online sessions.
Along with this , we supervise one to one reading and support individuals and groups, with oral and written work, using live communication with children (and where required, their parents).
Textbooks, printed materials and exercise books are sent home regularly, in order to further support this online learning.