
Thank you so much to our S4(Yr6) Leavers and their families, for choosing a magnolia grandiflora to plant in the newly refurbished front lawn to celebrate the ‘strong roots’ they have grown during their successful time at Merton.   ...

An excellent time was had by the school community at this year’s ’Prom on the Pitch’, the theme this year was ‘All that Jazz’ with a great show called ‘Jazz Junction’ , written by Bonnie Roots, our Head of Dance and performed by children from...

Fabulous once again to have open air prizegiving for Juniors and Seniors. Our special guest this term was Bexley Mayor, Sue Gower, MBE JP, who did us the honour of giving away the myriad of awards, cups and certificates to celebrate another very successful end to...

What a fabulous two days of sports.  The children competed with great enthusiasm, showing their running,  jumping and throwing skills. The parents skipped successfully to the finish line during parents’ races. But the highlight of the day was the Tag-of-War. Well done to all of...

S1 had a fantastic day out at the National Gallery in London where they explored the work of Georges Seurat and other post-impressionist artist, favourites including discovering Miss La La by Edar Degas and Water Lillies by Monet. The highlight was a workshop led by...

Early Year and J1 enjoyed a sport themed Father's day stay and play. The children enjoyed racing with their dads, uncles and grandads and had a fun nerf throwing competition. The session ended with a tug of war between the adults and a penalty shootout...

The traditional S4 trip to Spain departed on Monday 10 returning Saturday 15 June. The destination was the lovely resort of Tossa De Mar, via Barcelona. A fantastic time was had by all - taking part in activities such as a glass-bottomed boat excursion, Flamenco...

Congratulations to everyone who took part in Festival of Music this term.  We had a record number of children entering individual categories, which was amazing. Our class performances took place on Friday with Disney being this term's theme.  Well done to all the children for their...

It was full steam ahead for a week packed with fun activities relating to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Children had an amazing time commemorating Earth Day, while also presenting their exceptionally inventive models of a product/machine that will contribute to the preservation of...