Author: l.mccarthy

Thank you very much to everyone who participated in our ‘Sponsored Litter Pick’.  We are humbled by the generous support you have generated to raise money for our Ukrainian charity. We are very proud of your efforts.  Keep up the hard work and remember: the...

The Bee Committee helped clear out one of our hives in preparation for receiving a new swarm of bees and a new queen this Friday - very exciting!🐝 ...

A huge well done to S2 for their excellent ‘There’s no Planet B- reduce, reuse, recycle’ assembly!...

We celebrated Ukrainian Day as part of our fundraising for our adopted Intensive Care Baby Unit in Dnepr's Children's City Hospital №3 Our special lunch menu was lovely!  We had chicken Kyiv with dill potatoes and Ukrainian salad followed by old- fashioned honey babka for pudding...

We are very pleased to confirm that both of our bee colonies over-wintered successfully and the one has even outgrown its accommodations! On our first inspection, we found that the bees had filled their brood-box and had started to build wild comb in the roof...